Gangaikondacholapuram Temple, Tamil Nadu

Gangaikonda Cholapuram Temple is an architectural work of some genius peoples. Situated at Thanjavur (Tanjore) in Tamil Nadu, Gangaikondacholapuram can be visited easily through regular buses that are acquirable from the main towns and cities of Tamil Nadu. In the early 11th century, the temple got reinforced by Rajendra Chola, who was the son and successor of Rajaraja Chola. The luscious temple stands next to the popular Brihadisvara temple at Tanjore. Gangaikonda Cholapuram is considered as the reproduction of Brihadisvara Temple that was constructed by Rajaraja Chola, father of Rajendra Chola. Gangai Konda Cholapuram was upright to surpass the temple made by the father. The temple is popular for having the largest Shivalingam in the Southern part of India.

The holy sanctorum clenches the 4 meter high lingam which is in the phallic form of Lord Shiva. To provide a cliquish worship area for the royal family, the holy place is surrounded with two walls. The baronial entrance of the sanctum is decorated by the beautiful image of Goddess Saraswati. The power of Chalukyas is also echoic from the icons of 'Navagrahs' (Nine planets) and 'Suryapita' (Sun worship).

The precise accounts of the Cholas are written on the copper plates and temple walls. Preferred place of wreathed heads, the unusual structure took about 9 years to complete. Gangaikondacholapuram has been looted for several times, but the sculptural and architectural wealth remained alive. The temple was rampant to extol the achievements of a belligerent king. Gangaikondacholapuram is a testimonial to the artisans and architects who created this outstanding testament.
The brilliant architecture of the temple self-praise of a 9 storey vimanam that widens to the height of 185 feet. Facing the east direction, Gangai Konda Cholapuram clenches incredible carvings and sculptures. Not less than 54.86 m in height, the temple construction follows the sort of Brihadisvara Temple. The whole temple is boomed with rich and complex carvings that are sole to Chola style of artistry. Known to consist a little northern style, the structure grasps complex carvings in the Vimanams.

The architecture is a portrait of complex carvings on the hard granite stones, regardless of the simple style of Cholas. Mind-blowing carvings adorn the walls and ceilings of Gangaikondacholapuram. The creativeness of sculptors is pointed in the figures of peaceful Saraswati and dancing Nataraja. However, the sculptures rampant here are as artistic as found in any other temples of Cholas. The most interesting are of Ardhanareshwar, Shiva-Parvati and Ganesha. The stupendous shrine also addresses several momentous bronzes of the Chola age.


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